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I’m a Teacher. Here’s How My School Tried to Indoctrinate Children

February 14, 2022

By Kali Fontanilla

February 15, 2022


Last year, I left my job as a public high school teacher in Salinas, California, after 5 years. I love helping students realize their vast potential. But it became clear to me that school officials were obsessed with left-wing indoctrination, and that dissenting voices—like my own—were not welcome.

Right now, public education officials are doing their best to convince concerned parents that Critical Race Theory, or CRT—an ideology that falsely insists America was founded on systemic racism and that our institutions still discriminate against black Americans like me—is not being taught to children. Well, I’m here to tell you those officials are not being truthful.

In the 2020 fall semester, I noticed something strange: Many of my English-as-a-second-language students were failing a mandatory ethnic studies course. Since teachers at the school used the same online platform for lesson plans and learning materials, I was able to access the ethnic studies lessons. While I expected to see plenty of America-bashing, what I found legitimately shocked me: Just about every single lesson had some element of CRT in it.

Read the rest of the op-ed in The Orange County Register.

Kali Fontanilla is a former English-as-a-second-language public high school teaches in Salinas, California. You can read more about her story here.




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